Battery Operated Disco Ball Spinner


Are you looking to purchase this item? Please contact the ZenGenius Marketplace at or (614) 220-9040 to confirm purchase details and shipping costs (not included in the price shown.). We’ll work with you to get the best shipping rates based on your location and timeline.

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Are you looking to purchase this item? Please contact the ZenGenius Marketplace at or (614) 220-9040 to confirm purchase details and shipping costs (not included in the price shown.). We’ll work with you to get the best shipping rates based on your location and timeline.

Are you looking to purchase this item? Please contact the ZenGenius Marketplace at or (614) 220-9040 to confirm purchase details and shipping costs (not included in the price shown.). We’ll work with you to get the best shipping rates based on your location and timeline.

Please note: This item is gently used. It may have small amounts of wear-and-tear due to previously being used at an event or as part of a retail display. Any significant blemishes or defects are noted in the product description. Have questions about this specific item? Contact our team at (614) 220-9040,, or complete our contact form here.